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Bat Boy: The Musical

September 28 - October 13, 2024
Thursdays - Saturdays at 8pm
Sundays at 2pm
see below for special shows

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Based on a story in The Weekly World News, BAT BOY: THE MUSICAL is a musical comedy/horror show about a half boy/half bat creature who is discovered in a cave near Hope Falls, West Virginia. For lack of a better solution, the local sheriff brings Bat Boy to the home of the town veterinarian, Dr. Parker, where he is eventually accepted as a member of the family and taught to act like a “normal” boy by the veterinarian’s wife, Meredith, and teenage daughter, Shelley. Bat Boy is happy with his new life, but when he naively tries to fit in with the narrow-minded people of Hope Falls, they turn on him, prodded by the machinations of Dr. Parker, who secretly despises Bat Boy.

Shelley and Bat Boy, who have fallen in love, run away together from the ignorant townsfolk and have a blissful coupling in the woods, but their happiness is shattered when Meredith arrives and reveals a secret. Soon the entire town arrives and hears the shocking story of Bat Boy’s unholy origin.

With very relevant themes, the story is camp at its finest, putting absurdity and comedy at the forefront of this horror morality tale, depicted through a kick-ass vocal score, exuberant dance, and a lively ensemble.


Bat Boy/Edgar
Dr. Parker
Rick Taylor, Bat Boy U/S
Mrs. Taylor, Rick U/S
Ron Taylor
Ruthie Taylor
Bud, Sheriff/ Reverend/Pan U/S
Reverend, Dr. Parker U/S
Roy, Bud U/S
Ned, Shelley U/S
Mayor Maggie, Meredith U/S
Lorraine, Ron U/S
Daisy, Mrs. Taylor U/S
Dillon, Ruthie U/S

Aaron Ellis
Cassandra Caruso
Lauren Josephs
Connor Tyler Gray
Ashton Bianchi
Tommi Jo Mongold
Jack Colyer
Diana Cabell
Javon Willis
Johnathon O’Neal
Norman Thatch
Rachel Yoffe
Roni Renee Williams
Nico Fisher
Kalani Lopez
Carter Santos
Abigail Torrence

Written by Keythe Farley & Brian Flemming
Music & Lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe

Director and Choreographer Meghan Ripchik
Music Director Eden Evans
Production Stage Manager Ashley Macalino
Producer Erica Kahn
Assistant Director Paloma Cortes

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